Friday, January 6, 2012

Amore' !!

When disarmed stars
without their spears,
tenuous ,trembling, hanging low
ancient glittering eyes a-glow,
forgive the world with a tremulous sigh
and crave a wish to be broken by.

When haughty falcons stalking prey
quiescent,calmly ceasing hunt ,
feel the twinge that inward gnaws
.unsure, unhinge ,unhook their claws,
then shy ,and sometime sweetly tart
spare the dove of lonely heart.

When slumberous, doleful, teary-eyed
I wake up in some fairy land,
where circling in a rapturous trance
the daring,dreamy, damsels dance,
who turn the jig and coyly twirl
and pull me into a misty whirl.

Then, on a leading from above
I will write a poem of love.........

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